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Meet the teacher - Mr Schofield

We're Lemurs and we make up Years 5 & 6 at Stanton Drew. We work really hard in Mr Schofield's class but we also have a lot of fun too. We do a lot of Maths and English, but we also read interesting, modern books from a variety of different authors. We do lots of cool Science (Electricity, Magnets & Forces, Earth in Space), History (Benin: a country in Africa, The Victorians, and World War 2) and Geography (looking at Population, Slums and what a Biome is?), and learn lots about different aspects of Art, Design and Technology.  

We have extra responsibilities in Lemurs and we have to look after the younger children during Mini Mates/Maxi Mates and Playleader Training, which builds our confidence and helps the Stanton Drew staff. We have to keep the PE shed clean and give out equipment at break and lunch times. We also can join cool after-school clubs with Mr Schofield, like in Robotics Club, where we build robots and then tell them to do cool stuff with our programming language, or in Chess Club, where we can attack Mr Schofield’s Sicilian Defence. We get to go on camp too, and have fun doing loads of adventurous and exciting activities like archery, the 'leap of faith' jump, rifle shooting, building a catapult, kayaking and rafting.  

Lemurs Class

Lemurs Class Sep 2023