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SEND and Pastoral Care

The Federation of Bishop Sutton & Stanton Drew Primary Schools is a mainstream, inclusive Federation, and we welcome, value and respect the achievements of all children.

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) covers a range of different needs, including learning, speech and language, communication, social, emotional, mental health, motor skills, sensory, physical. Some children may have one specific difficulty or disability, a combination of more than one, or a range of needs. These difficulties can make it harder for them to learn than other children of the same age.

At Bishop Sutton & Stanton Drew we recognise that there are a number of pupils for whom specialist intervention and support may be required.

Each Class Teacher is responsible for all the needs within their class and seeks to provide high quality education for all children in their care. Children may be given support in different ways, depending on their needs. Our Teaching Assistants provide in-class support, as directed by the Class Teacher, which may include group interventions or 1:1 activities.

We have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) who is responsible for overseeing the provision for children with SEN. This includes reviewing support strategies with staff, leading in-school training, and meeting with parents. When advice from outside agencies is needed, she will make referrals to and arrange visits from other education and/or health professionals. For children with more complex needs she oversees the requirements of Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), arranges Annual Review meetings and makes applications for Top-Up Funding (TUF).

We actively encourage a strong relationship between home and school and involve parents/carers as much as we can.  You know your child better than anyone else, if you have any worries or concerns about your child the first person you should speak to should be their Class Teacher. 

Our SENCo, Pauline Adams, the Headteacher, Dieter Cook, or the Deputy Headteacher, Andy Marriott, are also available by appointment. They can be contacted by phone or email via the school office.

Pauline currently works 1 ½ days per week or 3 days per fortnight across the 2 schools in the Federation.  

This is usually alternate Wednesdays (at Stanton Drew) and every Thursday (at Bishop Sutton). 

Please click here to read our latest SEND Information Report (October 2023)

LSP SEND Policy 2023 is here

LSP approach to the SEND register is here

A description of Universal Provision at BSSD is here

Spotlight on ADHD is here

Spotlight on Dyslexia is here

Local information, including details of the B&NES Local Offer and the Parent Partnership Service, can also be found by clicking on the links below :-

Local information, including details of the Local Offer and the Independent Advisory Service, can also be found by clicking on the links below :-

For other useful information, weblinks and resources, please go to our online SEND noticeboard :-   

Complaints about SEND provision will be considered in keeping with the schools' complaints policy . Alternatively, you can contact the Parent Partnership Service for support with any aspect of SEND provision. 
