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PE and Sports Premium

The PE and Sport Premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities we offer our children.

School Sport Funding is money that is provided by the government to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, sport and physical activity within schools.  The school has been in receipt of additional government funding specified as 'Sport Premium' since its introduction in September 2013.  For the academic year 2021-2022, schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil.

Schools are free to spend the Sport Premium as they see fit since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for all the pupils within their responsibility.  This extra funding must be spent on Physical Education, school sport and physical activity.  Each of these are defined as follows:

Physical Education - the delivery of the curriculum within lesson time to all children by teachers.

School Sport - the extra-curricular activities and competitions that our children have the opportunity to participate in.

Physical Activity - how we as a school promote exercise for enjoyment in addition to being an integral part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

As a school we are held accountable for how we use the additional funding. From April 2014 we have been required to publish online information regarding how we have invested the PE & Sport Premium and the impact it has made. To meet this requirement, each year we produce a plan which sets out the amount of Sport Premium we will receive and how we intend to use it. 

We will use this extra funding to improve all aspects of Physical Education, sport and physical activity.  This includes: maximising pupil progress, increasing participation in sport and physical activity, professional development for staff and to provide all children with the skills and knowledge required to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

As a school we carefully consider how to spend our funding and the impact it will have on our children. We use information and guidance from the Youth Sport Trust to decide upon the most effective ways to spend the grant. For more information on this please follow this link:

We were allocated approximately £17000 for the academic year 2021-22.  In order to achieve the impact described above, we spent it in the following ways:

  • provide non-contact time for each of our co-PE subject leaders in order to allow them to plan for, seek out and develop competitive sporting opportunities with other schools;
  • Employing sports coaches to work alongside our teachers and develop their skills in the ares of PE in which they said they were least confident;
  • provide further non-contact time for our PE leader and classteachers to take groups of pupils to such competitions, ensuring maximum possible participation for any disadvantaged pupils with a talent for sport;
  • participating in tennis lessons at Bishop Sutton Tennis Club for Y1 to Y6
  • develop better opportunities for our Key Stage 2 pupils to take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
  • go beyond the minimum national curriculum requirements for the teaching of swimming, by providing additional lessons in Term 6 and the summer holidays;
  • continue to buy in to a local school’s partnership to access facilities and expertise to benefit our teachers' professional development and our children's opportunities to take part in sporting activities;
  • subsidising transport costs to some PE lessons (e.g. tennis and swimming) and competitions/festivals for parents (using Federation Minibus and coaches), to ensure that no child is disadvantaged due to financial circumstances;
  • maintaining and improving our sports equipment and facilities (for example purchasing new netball goals and a wide range of smaller equipment such as balls and rackets so that children have good opportunity to develop skills in small groups)
  • investing in additional resources to improve lunchtime opportunities for physical activity and active play opportunities
  • further development of our Forest School provision at Bishop Sutton (for both schools)
  • Click here to see the latest Federation Report on Primary Sport and PE Premium (July 2023)
  • Click here to see the latest Federation Plan on Primary Sport and PE for 23-24